Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The End of Arguments

I was watching a soccer match on tv the other day and it occurred to me that all of life's little arguments and disagreements can be avoided if we adapt the yellow card, red card penalties to real life situations. Everyone (and by 'everyone' I mean, of course, me and anyone that I choose to also be included) should be allowed to carry yellow cards and red cards to use in everyday situations. If someone is acting like a jerk, bang, you show them a yellow card and they are on notice that if they receive one more, they have to sit out of society for a day. If a person is commiting a flagrant no-no, the red card comes out immediately and the person is sent home. If I had these in college, how many unpleasant hook-ups could have been avoided - one of your drunk friends is about to hook up with an ugo, show them a yellow card and snap them back to reality. If you're on the beach, at the mall, in a bar (or let's face it, anywhere in public) and a morbidly obese woman is wearing a belly shirt, bikini, or short shorts, bang, red card - go home immediately. Or, if a really hairy, overweight guy shows up in a tank top, jean shorts or, God help us, speedo - bang red card and he's gone. How many of life's little unpleasantries would be wiped away? I really have to look into this...

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