Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Things That are Currently Bothering Me

Or is it, bothering me currently? Oh well, you know what I mean (and by "you" I mean "me" because I'm not really sure how many people are even reading this. Which reminds me, if anyone out there is reading this, well Hi, but let me apologize for not posting more frequently. I've decided that the hardest part about having a blog is finding the time to blog. Some of the blogs that I read just amaze me in that the authors seems to be able to fire out postings at an astonishing rate! But I'm going to continue to try to get better.) Anyhoo, on to the current topic at hand, which is things that are bothering me currently (eh, either way, I guess). Now I don't get mad very often - well certainly not drive-900-miles-in-a-diaper-and-try-to-kidnap-my-lover's-girlfriend kind of mad, but there are things that annoy me. Webkinz are currently at the top of my list - and if you don't have young kids, or if you've managed to avoid Webkinz if you do, consider yourself extremely lucky. These are little $10 stuffed animals which seems harmless enough since my kids have enough stuffed animals to start a Stuffed Invasion of a neighboring house (which would inevitably lead to a full-scale Stuffed War and cost hundreds of downy casualties, so its a good thing my kids, and their stuffed army are for household protection only - sort of like a stuffed state militia). But the Webkinz stuffed animals come with an id tag and a website that, once a child logs on, provides a whole world of Webkinz - virtual outfits, accessories, houses, games, money - it is like a cult! And every parent of a child in the 5-11 range is experiencing this rather unpleasant phenomenon where all our children want to do is go on the computer and play Webkinz. Whoever had this bright idea for a Webkinz world should be taken out and shot (or, if not shot, then at least strapped to a chair in front of a computer screen for a week straight while kids play Webkinz - that's actually worse than being shot; they'd be begging for someone to shoot them after a few hours).

You know what else bothers me - and this has actually bothered me for sometime now - bumperstickers. Yes, the pseudo-philosophy of the great unwashed; the pop-psychology of the brain dead masses. To any and all bumperstickerers out there, I'm only going to say this once, so pay attention: no one cares if you 'heart' your cat, dog, hampster, pet rock, tv remote, cookies, grandson, granddaughter, polka music, Irish music, or state. You are not tough because your car is protected by smith & wesson, or because you threaten to beat me up if I tailgate you. I don't care if your kid is an honor student, loves soccer, hates mean people or won a state championship. I never asked you - so please stop broadcasting that: you love Jesus, you love Mother Earth, you are against abortion, you are for abortion, you are a vegan, you love meat. I didn't ask you - and don't care to know - what your "other car" is. And your pithy little slogans that seem extremely deep to you, only serve to prove to me and everone who has the misfortune of driving behind you, that you are a certifiable moron who shouldn't be allowed to hold a drivers' license in the first place. Maybe I'll throw that on a bumper sticker and drive around for a while...

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