Wednesday, December 6, 2006

He hit the (Initial) post!

Star Date: December 6, 2006. Testing, testing 1,2,3,4. Check 1-2, check 1-2. Can you hear me out there? What? More bass? (Me, in a deeper voice - think Barry White with a head cold) Check 1-2, check 1-2. Good? O.K. here I am. Hello. How have you been? Oh, I can't complain, thanks for asking. You know me, better than most, worse than some. I've missed you. Yes, you. That time that we did that thing - that was awesome! You've always been special to me, don't ever forget that. What? Well, sure, but you're going to get arrested when you try to pull something like that. Me? Well, just because I'm a faster runner than you, that's no reason to get all huffy! No, I did not trip you!! What kind of question is THAT? Sure, our feet may have become temporarily tangled, but that's to be expected in a moment of panic. Besides, you gave the cops my name, which I don't appreciate one little bit. Well, at the time, my stage name was Buck Toughguy, so technically, that was not a lie. Hey, if the situation was reversed, I would have done my time quietly, no complaints, no questions asked. But that's me; that's how I roll. And when you think about it, it was only five years - I mean what's five years in the big scheme of things? Which reminds me, where did you hide the... whoops, I think someone else is reading along...we'll talk later.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Wow! The web has been waiting for a writer with your wit! Welcome sir and well done!! Paul C