Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Hi There!

Well, God only knows why I've started a blog, but, yes, here it is ("esta aqui" for my Spanish-speaking bretheren). I guess I've always been a frustrated writer at heart, and that got me no where, so I started a blog. Now, I'm a frustrated blogger - sounds so much more hip don't you think? I feel so with it, so happening, so...Aughts - that's "Aughts", as in Aught-6. Which reminds me, how lame is that as an expression of time? In my lifetime, we have had the '60s which everyone can identify with JFK (the President, not the airport for you young viewers out there) The Beatles, The Age of Aquarius, free love, the San Francisco counter culture, The Grateful Dead - whoo Jerry, Dark Star. Then we had the '70s - disco, Members Only jackets, bell bottoms, porn mustaches, really bad haircuts, Vietnam protests, Star Wars, Rocky. Then the '80s - 1980 Olympic Hockey Team - USA - USA, USA, jackets rolled up to the elbows, lame techno music sung by guys who looked like girls (on purpose), that pain in the butt female singer with big time daddy issues who sang Like a Virgin, but who will remain nameless here, the end of the Cold War. Then the '90s, grunge rock (with the accompanying revenge of flannel), O.J. trial and other stuff (full disclosure, my last two years of college, my three years of law school and a summer in San Francisco happened in the early '90s, so its hazy at best. So, I'm sure alot happened in the first part of the decade that I just can't recall off-hand. But I did get married to my beautiful wife in '96 and we had our first daughter in '99, so I did make a strong comeback toward the end of the decade). So, my (longwinded) point is that you can say the word (phrase?) '80s and people will immediately conjure up appropriate images from the time. Same with '60s and '70s and '90s. But years from now, what will we call this decade? (and the next one, for that matter. Quite frankly, I think we're screwed on a catchy decade name until 2020). So, I went with Aughts above because it sounded better than the Os or the Zeros. But now I've completely lost track of where I was going to begin with. Man, blogging is fun!

Oh yeah, I remember, I was introducing this blogspot (another word I can't stand, but I've restricted myself to one tanget per post, so I will resist the almost overwhelming urge to comment). I'm not sure how often I'll post, but it'll probably be at least 2-3 times per week (hopefully), unless I have nothing to say - then I'll post more frequently! So if you want, check back often. And, if you don't - well, you won't hurt my feelings. I'm doing this mostly for myself anyway. And my wife 9who has always encouraged me to write). And my brother Dan (because we have the same sense of humor). And the rest of my siblings Meg, Dave and Neil (because I didn't want to mention one sibling in my first blog and not mention the others - I have to have family gatherings with these people for decades, you think I need that kind of heat?) And Ashley Ford (because out of everyone who's ever read my Christmas letter, she likes my Christams Letters the most). And for Jim Ford (because he took me to Pine Valley this year. And because he's a great friend. And because he's Ashley's husband and it would be a bit unseemly to list his wife and not include him). And for my Mom and Dad (because they've always supported me and because this is starting to resemble an award acceptance speech and you should always thank your wife and your parents in an award acceptance speech). And all of my friends and relatives and supporters (because every good list includes a vague catch-all group that you can point to when anyone asks "how come you didn't mention me?" Well, I did). So, you won't hurt my feelings if you never return to this blogspot (there's that word!!!). But if you do return, I hope you enjoy reading it, and if I can ever figure out how to actually operate the site, I will throw a section up for your comments, but please keep them clean, this is a PG site (but not a PC one). I'm not really sure where its going to go, but I don't anticipate discussing any of the dinner party no no topics (politics, religion, someone else's significant other) and I don't intend to write about any other super serious topic because...well because I'm not very super serious, so I don't really think along those lines. This site (Ha! take THAT "blogspot"!!!) has no spell check feature so please forgive any typos (and there will be many). So, that about it for now - until next time, don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you!!

1 comment:

Paul said...

Oh, you can bet I'll be back!! What humor, what charm and I'm told you're very handsome too! P Curtin